Thursday, September 11, 2014


I'm really on the fence about infographics and I want to get your take. Do you like them? Have you ever incorporated them into your marketing campaigns? Making them seems easy enough as long as you have the data and a vision for its appearance. This example from Marvel Comics is both informative and educational. That is, if you ever found yourself wondering if Wolverine was taller than Captain America.
The Marvel Superhero Height Chart
Infographic Created by

Click here to see a full-screen version of this infographic.

I understand their appeal - a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Infographics utilize images to relay information, and we like that in today's world of super-instant gratification. But it's very rare that I fully read an infographic. The majority I come across are overwhelming and contain too many details. That's why I'm on the fence.

But there's one fact about infographics that I'm sure of: they're easy to share. Check out the gem below. It's extremely long but because it features such a unique topic, I was able to stick with it until the end. But it was the fact that the creator presented the HTML code for sharing that really impressed me. Visit the original blog post where I found this infographic and you'll notice that the creator also makes the same information about the Batman logo available for consumption by way of a video. (I'm not sure it was intentional but the author pits the infographic against a would be interesting to see which method visitor's prefer.)

My thoughts continue after this infographic. 

Batman Symbol Evolution Infographic
Infographic Created by

Told ya it was long, didn't I? BONUS: I had to educate myself on how to tweak the HTML code to resize the width of the infographic for my blog. This thing is huge!

So I guess I'm not totally against infographics but the topic has to be very appealing and the infographic itself can't be too heavy on the details. What about you? Please feel free to let me know your opinion of infographics in the comment section. I'd also love to learn how you're using infographics in your marketing campaigns.

Thanks for reading!

{Top photo: Courtesy}

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