Thursday, May 7, 2015

Three Reasons Why Companies Need to Communicate

Corporate communications can take many forms and have just as many intended targets. Even though there are numerous reasons why some companies don't communicate - ranging from unfamiliarity with the ways to communicate to lacking manpower dedicated to delivering messages - there's no doubt about the importance that communications play in a company's success.

After a lot of thought, I've put together the following list that describes the top-3 reasons why companies need to communicate.

1) Put Your Information Where It Can Be Found

As I've stated many times on this blog, I feel the basic principal of marketing is getting your message of front of your targets. That notion has more weight than ever, given the way people prefer to find information for themselves in today's digital world. At the very least, make an explanation of your company's services available on a website. Tracks to that website should be laid in the form of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), email blasts, social media posts and traditional advertising. People want learn more about what you offer. Put your info where it can be found.

2) Explain Yourself

Communicating what your company offers is just the first step. You can also benefit from telling your story or history and giving customers a way to identify with your company. Regular blog posts are great ways to explain how your services can be used in everyday situations. Think about this: the communications that helped curious people discover your company can work in tandem with future communications to help them learn additional benefits of your services.

3) Show That Your Company Wants to Work

The first two reasons why your company needs to communicate pertained to explaining that your company can do something. It's extremely important that your company also communicates that it wants to something. If a potential customer is wavering when deciding to use your service, telling them that you actually want to do the work that will make their life better, easier and more charmed will go a long way towards securing their patronage.

These three reasons could be great topics for individual blog posts - and I might just do that. Here's a question for you as I work on those...would it be fair to say that you could apply these three reasons why companies need to communicate to why personal brands need to communicate???

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